Together, Birmingham and Solihull has a population of circa 1.3 million, with the health and social care challenges faced by different communities varying dramatically.
Our local insights show us that 79% of Birmingham residents have very good or good health. However, across many indicators the health and wellbeing of Birmingham adults and children is generally worse in comparison to the rest of England.
40% of Birmingham and 12% of Solihull residents live in the most deprived communities in Britain. One in three children in Birmingham are living in poverty.
Over a hundred different languages are spoken across Birmingham and Solihull.
Birmingham has an ethnic minority population of 40%, and in some wards up to 80% of residents are from minority ethnic groups. Solihull is less ethnically diverse with 11% ethnic minority population.
In Solihull, the ageing population means that within a generation nearly one in four residents will be aged 65 and over. In the most deprived areas life expectancy is 12.8 years lower for men and 11.1 years lower for women.
These are not just data points to study: so many of the lives of our citizens are impacted negatively by these inequalities and they are right to expect us to be focussed on doing something about it.