Support and resources available from social care
Social care can offer many formal and informal support for you and your baby. Click on the purple boxes below to find out about services available in Birmingham and Solihull to help you on your journey to becoming a parent.
The Birmingham Children's Trust advocacy postcard is a great resource to provide a voice for children and young people in care, care leavers and children within the child protection process and family group confidence. This might be helpful for you to use in meetings with social workers or health professionals. An advocate will always do their best but may not be able to make things better- you can say what you want an advocate to help you with by getting in contact via or call 0121 303 7217.
Our Voice, Our Services, part of Solihull's Children in Care Council, meet monthly to get together and talk about subjects important to you. This is a great opportunity to make friends and have your say about how services are run. If you would like to find out more, contact or visit.
Birmingham Children's Trust offer support to care experience parents, including help with important documents, money and employment. Their services also include Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS), emergency duty teams, early help, family support, youth offending, children in care, care leavers, adoption and fostering.
You can find out more via their website.