CitizensAdvice.pngCost of living support

To support colleagues with cost of living, an enhanced support package has been developed for all health and care staff working in Birmingham and Solihull, including staff within NHS commissioned services. The offer has been designed collaboratively with all partners in our integrated care system to support staff with the ongoing impact of the national cost of living crisis, and provides fast track access to professional services centred around financial wellbeing, low-level dependancy and relationship support. 

The services on offer are there to support you and those close to you - if you are concerned about a loved one or colleague and are looking for professional advice or support, please contact the appropriate service.

This offer complements existing organisational wellbeing services and the system-wide Staff Mental Health Hub. For more information on the Staff Mental Health Hub, return to the main 'work and live well' page. 

The benefits:

  • Exclusive package for health and social care staff across Birmingham and Solihull.
  • Fast-track route into professional advice and support.
  • Completely confidential.

Who can refer into these services?

Anyone working in health or care in Birmingham or Solihull, including NHS commissioned services can refer into this service, Referrals can be made by individuals, with support from a line manager, local health and wellbeing lead or one of the Bsol Cost of Living support providers 

Supporting you with managing your money

Citizens Advice Birmingham is on hand to provide dedicated, confidential advice to staff. This could include direct access to an adviser for an initial diagnostic review, triage and advice, with follow up appointments available either in person or over the phone. Areas included are:

  • Welfare benefits
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Relationships
  • Consumer
  • Money advice
  • Referrals to specialist services such as debt or benefits casework
  • Referrals to partner services such as employment advice services or with solicitors
  • Income maximisation and budgeting support
  • Access to fifteen minutes with a solicitor

Accessing the service:

Immediate access via a dedicated contact, call Antonia Adams on 07851 245 004 or email:

Quote ‘COL support for staff – BSol’ and if colleagues feel comfortable to, they should give a brief overview of what they may require support with, along with their contact details. Please note this service currently operates Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.30pm.